Thursday, December 22, 2016

Happy 23

If there is someone who plays a big role in my life besides my dad & my mom, it is definitely my one and only brother. 

We don't have a great bond as a typical in this brother-sister relationship since we fight a lot, most of the time. He annoys me and I will annoy him back. I yell at him and he immediately becomes so emotional. We blame each other in sooooo many cases. And in some particular time, it is clearly, that I wish him disappear for a while. 

However, as we grow older, I start to realize that he might be the one that I can rely on whenever wherever and whatever my problem is. We always went to the same school since we were child. He has became my role model in my whole life, whose step always tried to be followed by me. He is so genius (everyone adores him), so passionate towards his study, and he is simply just too stunning to be true. It's needless to say how much my parents proud of him. 

Last September, he left for Japan to pursue his master degree in one of the best Uni there. No doubt that he could get this one along with the most-wanted-scholarship in the country because somehow he deserves it. As he stays there, I have no one who I can blame to at home. I start to take care my self since most of the time I just ask him to do this and that. Sometimes, it saddens me by the time I realize that things gradually change as we grow up. I don't wanna leave my parents because there will come a time when we have to move out permanently from the house. I keep telling this to my brother then in the end of the conversation we just lose in our own thought.

The fact that makes me so grateful is although he is so far away now, he still gets my back. I chat him everytime I feel so boring or need someone to talk. I tell him literally everthing eventhough he knows that it's not important at all. But, thankfully, he always try to listen to me and give some responses.

I hate him a lot for many reasons but he is the one whose advice will become something that affects me the most. He is the one who always assures me that I am far better than what I believe in my self since I frequently underestimate it. From him, I learn how to not listening to everyone's thought which affects us in a bad way. He makes me believe that I could reach whatever I want in life if I put an endeavor in it along with the pray. He certainly knows me better than anyone else. 

And perhaps, he is the best brother anyone can ever wish for. 

I don't know whether he will read it or not. But today is his birthday. And I wish him everything but the best. May Allah always be with him in every step he takes. Happy 23!


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