Friday, December 25, 2020

Closing My Melbourne Chapter

Amid the unfortunate situation, Alhamdulillah, I am beyond blessed to finally accomplish this degree. I am so thankful for all the experiences and life lesson I gained for the past two years. I met so many inspiring people and built friendship that I will always cherish for the rest of my life.

Obviously, I did not do it all by myself. I would like to say thank you so much to my family for the abundant love and continous support. Thank you for always believing in me. 

And I would like to say thank you so much to every single person who became a part of my journey. The ones who supported me with my wish to pursue a master degree, who kindly helped me with the scholarship hunting, who became the great companion during the study, and who were always there for me along the way. Your presence means a lot to me. I could not thank enough for that.

Last but not least, thank you Australia Awards for giving me the opportunity. And thank you The University of Melbourne for giving me the space to experience a lot of incredible things. I will always carry this memorable journey with me. 

This year has been difficult for everyone. I lost many opportunities. But if I think further about it, there are certain things that I would not achieve if the situation was different. I praise Allah for everything that happened to me. I always believe on His way, what's the best for us. 

Hope this pandemic is going to be over. Hope you all stay safe and healthy!

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

LatihID - My highlight of the year

Halo, aku baru aja post artikel di website Indonesia Mengglobal tentang LatihID, social project yang aku rintis bersama Putri, Mas Nabil, Mba Santi, Ersan, dan Rischa. Meskipun setahun kebelakang ngga banyak pengalaman di kampus karna harus lockdown berbulan-bulan, membangun LatihID ternyata menjadi hal yang sangat berkesan buat aku di tahun ini. 

Feel free untuk baca yah di link berikut ini!

Atau kalau penasaran sama project ini, langsung aja visit websitenya :) 

Stay safe everyone! Hopefully keadaan segera membaik ya.